Marriage and family today is an outreach arm of The Place Of Destiny. We seek to make a difference in our world where there is a huge rate of divorce, abuse of spouse and all kinds of dysfunctional behaviours confronting marriages and families at large. It has become quite glaring that we cannot keep waiting for the government, professionals or even pastors to step in and save these marriages and homes that are at the brink of collapse because the challenge is larger than all these combined can solve. It is time to quit talking about the problem and start providing answers.
We need to make deliberate effort to reach out to these couples whose marriages need to be strengthened. Some of them are quite young, stressed out and need our support and encouragement while others may be giving up already on their marriage and may need prayer back up to deal with the spiritual challenges and strongholds confronting them. This is basically who we are and what marriage and family today stands for.
Our Core Focus
To reconcile and restore broken homes through mediation that involves deliverance process and accountability relationships
To equip singles with relevant and strategic truth that will sharpen their discernment and empower them to discern their right life partners. Through our conferences and workshops, we want to impart to singles the wisdom to get into marriage God’s way.
To raise men and women who will build families that affirm kingdom values and priorities. Families that are strong and stable where the man is positioned in true headship leading with the love of God.
To elevate parenting standards and values as we equip parents to raise up children in the fear of the Lord and establish structures that unlock generational blessing.